Viewing risk registers and matrices

Viewing risk registers and matrices

You can view a risk register by clicking on its name from the risk register listing page. Alternatively, you can click on the Risks link in the project panel:

Clicking Risks displays one of three views:

  • the main view of a risk register, if there exists only one risk register based on the project; or

  • a list of risk registers based on the project, with links that enable you to navigate to the main view; or

  • an empty-state view that offers to create a new risk register.

Here is how the list of risk registers appears:

Selecting the name of the desired register opens up the main risk register view. You can toggle between the register and matrix views using the RISK REGISTER and RISK MATRIX links near the top of the page.

Risk Table View

The register view displays your risks as a flat list with multiple columns.

 Click here to expand...

Clicking on the Key column opens the risk page (see Creating and assessing risks for a description of the risk page). Clicking on the column titles sorts the register by that column, while repeatedly clicking the column header cycles between default sorting, ascending order, and descending order.

Risk treatments

If any treatments have been defined for a risk, they appear beneath the risk in the register view. Treatments can be expanded and collapsed using the toggle next to the risk:

Page Size

This control adjusts the number of rows displayed at once in the table. Selecting a different page size will determine how many table entries are visible on a single page, with additional entries being moved to subsequent pages.

Customizing the Column Display

Click on the Columns link on the right-hand side of the screen. The column list will unfold and you can select which columns to include in the grid. The search box allows you to search by column name.

Other Column Functions

Hovering over a column causes drag handles to appear. By clicking and holding on a drag handle, you can rearrange the order of columns by dragging them horizontally to a desired position.

Clicking on a drag handle opens a context menu.

The context menu allows you to do the following:

  • Pin Column: Anchor the column in its current position, preventing it from being scrolled out of view.
  • Autosize This Column: Adjust the width of the selected column to fit its content optimally.
  • Autosize All Columns: Resize all columns to fit their respective content optimally.
  • Reset Columns: Restore all columns to their default widths and positions.
  • Filter: Some columns have the ability to apply filters. This feature is represented by a funnel.

Risk Matrix View

The risk matrix view displays your risks as a heatmap.

 Click here to expand...

You can display either the inherent risk or the residual risk on the matrix (for more information about inherent and residual risk, see Creating and assessing risks). You can flip between these two risk types by selecting the appropriate radio button near the top of the page.

Selecting a cell causes the panel at the bottom of the screen to populate with the risks at that level.

Selecting an entry from this list opens the risk.

Action Menu

The action menu is in the top-right corner of the page.

It allows you to do the following:

  • Add a risk. Opens the Create issue dialog with the project and issue type fields populated appropriately. This dialog lets the user create one or more Jira issues, with risk assessments automatically added to them. The issue is of the type defined as your primary risk type in either the project settings or application settings. If you have not defined a primary risk type, then this menu item does not appear. Furthermore, if the risk register being viewed is a project-based risk register, this menu item will not appear unless the user has ‘Create issues’ permission in that project.
  • Settings. Opens the settings page for the risk register.
  • Browse risks. Opens a filter showing all risks associated with this register. This is a way to view risks in Jira’s native issue navigator and enables you to get a "behind the scenes" view of the search criteria being used by the risk register. The issue navigator enables you to export your risks to PDF, Excel, and other file types.
  • Download matrix. Download the matrix as a vector file (.svg).
  • User guide. Opens the Risk Register User Guide.

Multiple Risk Models

If you create a filter-based risk register that refers to multiple projects, it is possible that these projects will be assigned to different risk models. In that case the risk register screen will display the model name as a drop-down list, giving you the option to select a risk model to display the risks through:

Clicking on the padlock icon "locks" whatever risk model you have selected as the default model. Only administrators can click on the padlock icon.

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